High School Principal's Corner

Spring 2024

Notes from the MS/HS Principal 

The High School office if officially closed until August 1, 2024. 

If you need anything prior to August 1, please call the Central Office at 660-354-2326.

On August 1, Mr. Jay Eilers will join our Panther Family as the Middle School/High School Principal.  His contact information is (660-354-2524, ext. 150 or eilersj@polo.k12.mo.us).  

The calendar for next year is on the website and it is already filling up fast with Panther activities. 

Registration for Middle School (grades 5-8) and High School (grades 9-12) will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 6 and 7, from 8:30 - 3:00. Mr. Eilers, Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Arway will be at the school to assist with registration. 

On Wednesday, August 14 at 5:30, a Middle School meeting will be held in the cafeteria for all students and their parents. 

Have a Great Summer and Remember - Once a Panther, Always a Panther!